Buy Discord Messages
Get your brands message across with our Discord Mass DM Service. Our service promotes engagement with real, targeted users on Discord.
Captcha solvers not working? No problem, we solve manually and quickly, you can always rely on us delivering an affective advertising campaign anywhere and anytime.
Pricing: Enjoy 1000 messages for $15. That's $0.015 per DM (lower than traditional ads).
Mass DM advertising on Discord has an impressive conversion rate of about 5%, offering benefits such as increased brand awareness and swift results.
1.) During checkout, provide a sample message text. Specify any links or pictures.
2.) After purchase, confirm your order via our listed contact.
🔴 There is no guarantee of X amount of joins/conversions.
Discord mass DM advertising is a marketing strategy that involves sending direct messages (DMs) to multiple users on Discord servers to promote your business, product, or service.
Experience better outreach with Discord Mass DMs and our Discord Messaging Service.
For queries or custom requests, reach us on Telegram at

Member since
Dec 12, 2023